For Consumers
We offer industry-leading credit score, report and monitoring services to help you attain credit to acquire your next home, car or simply better credit.
For Businesses
We’ve worked with hundreds of financial companies including lenders in nearly every category. Provide added value to your customers and get paid for it.
Why Do Credit Reports Matter?
Credit reports can be an indicator of how a person manages their
financial responsibilities.
Who can request a person’s credit
report, and what is it used for?

To help determine whether to rent to a person, or whether to provide a mortgage loan.

To assist in hiring decisions by gaining insight on how a person manages their financial responsibilities.

To help determine whether to provide someone insurance or credit and on what terms.
Other common examples include collection agencies, rental
and phone and utility companies.
Companies, how we can work together
You refer people to our consumer credit products through various methods:
Integrated Placements on your Site
Call Center etc
Integrated Placements on your Site
Call Center etc
Our team will work closely with you providing creative assets, tracking and reporting all for free.
We pay you a set fee or CPA (cost per acquisition) for every qualified referral.
The most common method of referring customers is sending consumers from your site (perhaps declined or unqualified for your loan or other financial product).
Counting Up Quickly
10,000 to 100,000*
credit reports generated today
*across various global
credit bureaus

About Credique
A company with a foundation of expertise in consumer credit across the globe. We use proprietary technology to deliver life changing financial products to consumers in a relevant way. Our service has led to hundreds of thousands of individuals taking a step forward to creating a better financial future. Our mission is to give people the right financial tools to first learn then take action toward putting themselves in a better situation. A good credit profile equals more access to credit which leads to a first home, better home or simply getting approved for your first credit card.
Contact UsAbout Us
Started by a key founder of a US company called RateSpecial Interactive, which also expanded to the UK.
Huge growth and success in both countries.
Educating consumers on their credit report and score.
Launched CreditVerify.ca in 2018, a unique direct to consumer Credit Score/Report product.
Transunion and Equifax* integrations to provide most robust consumer credit options.
Unique solution to help our Partners provide value to their consumers and non-consumers while generating an additional revenue stream for them.
* Phase 2 launch
Worked with hundreds of partners globally in various categories including:
Credit Cards, Debt, Loans, Insurance, Real Estate, Auto etc.
Custom Cross-sell Placements of our relevant Financial products.
Real-time Commission Tracking and Reporting.